On My Time in Residential Treatment for My Eating Disorder
They say if you've met one person with autism, you've met exactly one person with autism. I feel that this statement can also be applied to those with eating disorders. Eating disorders are individual and manifest differently amongst various people. In fact, even those with the same diagnosed disorder(s) can present quite differently and the paths that got them there are vast. In addition, the journey that each takes towards recovery is personal and completely individual. I was able to spend five weeks at an eating disorder residential treatment center. While there, I encountered many wonderful women who were influential in my recovery, and what was really neat, is that we were all in different parts of our recovery journeys, yet we were able to encourage each other and spur one another on. The amazing young women I lived with had a variety of experiences that brought them to where they were, yet, the wisdom that each shared from various points i...