Treating Myself How I Would Treat Others
I absolutely can not fight Ed on my own and win. It would be foolish to think that I could, when in reality, I would fall flat on my face and honestly, I may not be here. I have come to realize that if I examine and reframe my/Ed's thoughts to be ones of how I would treat someone else or how Jesus would treat me, I have a more gentle approach towards myself. I am also trying to reframe my ideas around specific food items. As someone who LOVES to give advice when it is warranted and requested, I have begun to try to reframe my thoughts and ideas about food. I have started to ask myself if the lies that Ed tells me about a certain food (______ will make you _____, ________ is a treat and you don't ______ it, or the like) are the truth and if I would in good conscience share that advice with someone else. As someone who cares (maybe too much) about people in general and as a Christian with a strong moral compass, I would never intentional...