"Kickball" and BBQ
I wanted to share about my youth and student ministries event that I hosted at our church today. About a month and a half ago I reached out to our pastor to see if there was anything that I could do for our middle school and high school students who attend the church since our church does not have a youth group. We only have about 6 students who are in this age range so it doesn't make sense to have a group that meets on a regular basis because that would not be sustainable (I was in this situation growing up in one of my churches and it was not enjoyable as a participant, so I would not want to subject others to that!). When Ryan told me that he had prayed just that week for our kids and how to reach them, we got excited that he was interested in entertaining the idea of creating something for these students. But I also got a little bit nervous since he said he wanted to meet with me! It went fine, though. I met with Ryan and our "equipping min...