Let Go

     It's time. Time to stop living from a place of fear. Time to defeat the chains that have held us down, taken us captivate, and the lies that have been spread throughout our minds. Time to give it up, let it go, and trust in the Savior to bear our burdens. It's time to stop letting fear control our lives and time to stop letting fear win.
    The fear that so easily entangles wraps around, grips tightly, and attempts destruction. The enemy is constantly working to create a separation between us and God. If we let him, he does a good job, but if we turn and run to our Savior, we can find peace, redemption, and hope. Trusting in God isn't easy, especially when our fears appear so real. One thing to remind ourselves of is that many of our fears never come true and those that do are usually not as bad as what we anticipate. We spread the harmful messages around our heads so much that they consume our lives, thoughts, time, and minimize the people and things that really matter.
     God doesn't want us to operate from a place of fear. In fact, He wants us to turn to Him for comfort and assurance. Our weakness and fear does not change God's sovereignty, but instead, it highlights His presence and availability to us. The Bible tells us that we have nothing to fear and to give every concern over to God. This is much easier said than done.
     From experience, operating from a place of extreme fear is exhausting. I was mentally and emotionally drained, physically withering, psychologically consumed, socially isolated, desperate, confused, on edge, tense, anxious, and continually afraid. Absolutely none of these things were fun. The intense fear that I lived with every day was something that I knew had to be fix, I knew how to fix, but I also knew that I could not fix it myself. About one year ago, God called me to peace. As I sat in my car, praying to God for answers, and listening for His voice, I heard Him speak. With tears streaming down my face, I knew that I had no option but to surrender.
let it go gifs | WiffleGif     Let me tell you, no longer living from a place of fear has been nothing short of life changing. The newness that I have experienced is mind blowing and the peace that I have felt makes me grateful. Had I not listened to God and given Him my fears, I would still be in the same place that I was last year, or probably even worse.

     What do you feel God is calling you to surrender? Where could you go without living in a place of fear? What would life look and feel like for you having given your fears to God? What does the Bible say about our fears?

     Challenge yourself this week to reach out to one of your leaders about a real fear that you have. Let us pray for you.

I started this blog as a memoir to share some of my life stories with you. My goal is that these encourage and educate you on how to live a more joyful, healthier, full life; one of hope.

I write about my fascination with whole foods, my love of Jesus, my struggles, my childhood stories, my passion for education, and my devotion to creating a healthy life (body, mind, and spirit) for every person in the world.


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