Signs you may over-exercise


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Signs you may have a problem with excessive exercise

  • You HAVE to workout
  • You feel frustrated or upset if you miss a workout
  • You compensate for food using extra exercise
  • You compulsively workout using a routine or a set time frame
  • You don't stop when you are tired
  • You don't take a break if you are sick or injured
  • You push through extra sets, reps, laps, or miles, even when you don't want to
  • You feel extremely fatigued
  • Your body is begging you to stop, but your mind is telling you to keep going
  • You miss out of social events to exercise
  • You tell yourself you have to exercise or have to workout prior to x, y, or z
  • Other people may comment on your regiment and the rigidity of it
  • People may ask you to stop exercising so much
  • You have difficulty focusing on other tasks if you feel you should be working out
  • You may or may not go above and beyond recommendations for physical activity
  • You have an abnormally low heart rate
  • You lose your period

I started this blog as a memoir to share some of my life stories with you. My goal is that these encourage and educate you on how to live a more joyful, healthier, full life; one of hope.

I write about my fascination with whole foods, my love of Jesus, my struggles, my childhood stories, my passion for education, and my devotion to creating a healthy life (body, mind, and spirit) for every person in the world.


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